10 Things You Should Do Every Day to Stay Productive and Creative


This is only scratching the surface.


Cold Showers

If cold showers aren’t your cup of tea or you just haven’t built up to it yet, consider a “Scottish Shower” (Popularized by James Bond) which is a nice warm shower followed by a minute or two of the coldest water available. Give it a try, you might surprise yourself.


30+ minutes Hour Recreational Reading

This was always a toughie for me as I generally lean toward denser nonfiction varieties. Still, finding a decent fiction series to commit to emotionally allows for a bit of escapism at the end of the night, further winding down the brain from a long day.


1+ Hour Freelancing

When considering career, I am of the belief that a great majority of people are born to create and this is a nonnegotiable avenue to happiness in many other aspects of life.

>30 Minute Creative Outlet

Guiar, singing, dancing, writing, painting - whatever your heart desires. Preferably do something you aren’t so good at and remind yourself that life is a process.


Consistent Sleep Schedule

Wake up and go to bed at the same time every day. Sleep quality is not just about duration but also consistency of sleep and wake. Studies show an inconsistent sleep schedule is often one of the greatest detriments to a productive and enjoyable day.


Extended “Wind Down” Routine

Have a wind down routine in the evenings. This is not just the 10 minutes before bed; begin the process about an hour before you tuck in. Learn more about best tips for a good night’s sleep here in our lifestyle section. Mine usually involves herbal tea, a good book, and no screens for at least an hour.


Exercise Daily

Exercise regardless of lack of time or motivation. I believe Navy Seal Commander Jocko Willink said “If you don’t feel like working out today, just do it and reevaluate tomorrow”. Some form of deliberate exercise (weights, cardio, HIIT) is integral to a healthy mind and body.


Monitor Caffeine Intake

It is easy to go overboard with a substance we associate with productivity. My preferred method is 1-2 cups of coffee or matcha with a hard stop at noon to avoid any sleep issues. On average, caffeine has a half life of 4-6 hours meaning your 2pm pick-me-up is still being metabolized well into your sleep cycle.


Eat Healthy

During the week my meals generally entail: eggs, avocado, toast for lunch seasoned to taste. Salmon/steak (or some other lean protein), sweet potatoes baked into fries, and some veggie. This is all supplemented with “green smoothies” which include a medley of fruits and veggies. Of course everyone’s body is different and this just happens to be my ideal staple diet. For a full article on affordable healthy foods, visit the Nutrition & Fitness section here.


Keep a Bullet Journal

Keep a bullet journal tracking all of these factors to maintain your preferred standards. Consider integrating a calendar or schedule where you track daily progress.


Final Thoughts

Begin integrating these habits into your daily life and see where they take you! Something tells me you’ll begin to wonder how you ever lived without them.


7 Reasons to Embrace Matcha for the Weekly Grind