10 Reasons Eggs Are The Best Food On The Planet
Somehow, eggs seem to be one of the most misunderstood foods. Due to some half-baked science in the 60s, many still believe eggs should be avoided like the plague. What subsequent studies have indicated is actually quite the opposite. Barring “hyper responders” who may see a mild increase in blood cholesterol, a majority of the population will not see any notable negative impacts with moderate egg consumption. To summarize a very complex series of mechanisms: when paired with an otherwise healthy and balanced diet, the liver will produce more or less cholesterol based on dietary intake. Learn more here.
I am not a doctor nor am I a registered health professional - all nutritional advice is based on my own research/experience and should be considered just that, advice.
Final Thoughts
Omega-3 helps reduce triglycerides, which are a type of lipid fat in the blood. That’s why eating Omega-3 enriched eggs may be an option, particularly if you don’t enjoy other foods (fish, nuts, seeds) that are naturally rich in Omega-3. (If your triglyceride level is below 150, you’re doing well; 150-199 is borderline high; 200-499 is high; and 500 and above is considered very high.) Your best bet for a well-rounded nutrient profile is to splurge on organic free range eggs - these will have a larger variety of micronutrients due to hen’s diets being based on insects, worms, and greens.